Immunodiagnostic Assay

Inhibin A ELISA

The Inhibin A enzyme linked immusorbent assay (ELISA) kit provides materials for the qualitative measurement of dimeric Inhibin A in human serum.

Inhibin, Total ELISA

The Total Inhibin ELISA kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of Total Inhibin (Inhibin A, Inhibin B and Inhibin alpha subunit) in human serum, plasma and other biological fluids.


The AMH ELISA immunoasssay uses standard recombinant human AMH calibrators to ensure accuray and reproducibility between assays and lots. The Ansh Labs AMH ELISA uses unique monoclonal antibodies against specific linear epitopes on the associated dimers of AMH for specificity and consistent AMH detection.

Inhibin A (pico) ELISA

The picoInhibin A ELISA kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of dimeric Inhibin A in human serum.

Inhibin B ELISA

The Inhibin B enzyme linked immusorbent assay (ELISA) kit provides materials for the qualitative measurement of Inhibit B in human serum and other biological fluids. Assay time is at 2.5 hours.

Inhibin B (Ultra-Sensitive) ELISA

The picoinhibin A Elisa kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of dimeric inhibit A in human serum.

MenoCheck picoAMH ELISA

The MenoCheck pico AMH ELISA is FDA cleared in vitro diagnostic use as an aid in the determination of menopausal status in women between 42 and 62 years of age. This is the only AMH test with the sensitivity to quantify declining AMH concentrations in women who are entering their menopausal transition.


The picoAMH ELISA provides materials for the qualitative measurement of ultra-low concentration of AMH in human serum and other biological fluids.